whereby you manifest your unavailability for any commerce to the kind in mind, manifest your unavailability courteously but promptly and clearly. If you're unavailable.

Much man-to-man attachment is, I think, of a sort scarcely to be called sexual. A human being likes to have other persons around, sometimes some certain person, and not always with any logic to his preference. People like to have young persons around, much as they like trees, green grass, shrubs, vines and flowers. You probably prefer young persons, yourselves: I do. I have been young, though you wouldn't guess it to look at me now, and I have been old; and I can bear personal testimony, younger is the better.

In the army and navy, in both of which I served, formation of a partnership is highly desirable for mutual protection. In a precarious world you need one good, reliable friend. Once you have identified a man as of a negotiable bent, once you have decided that he is the one for you, you have the problem of attracting him and coming to terms with him. If some of you girls have been at your wits' end for means of luring a desired male, I can assure you that there are millions of men in the United States, rivals of yours, who know exactly how feel.


As I say, sex has never been much of a problem with me. My personal

connection with the movement is incidental to my interest in the world as I find it and the mess that it is in. My main idea is that a remedy will be found only in a reconstruction of the family.

Our modern families are in sore straits. Families have become small, fragile, badly managed and evanescent. Time was when the family was of primary economic importance and social influence. Now the family has lost ground painfully when compared


with commercial corporations, labor unions, pressure groups or the allpowerful national governments. Only the churches have suffered any comparable decline from a once-high


People have become waifs.

A return to the old-fashioned autocratic family is no solution. Shortcomings and abominations that led to that family's extinction make its restoration intolerable. Something better can be contrived.

I propose that the family take on vigor, safety, permanence and prosperity by doing six things.

First. Conserve such family establishments as we have by such means (and they are many) as are available

to us.

Second. Adopt into the family selected teen-agers and adults (even the acceptable of the elderly).

Third. Formulate a sound family law, which shall be based, to the extent practical in family management, upon the members' consent.

Fourth. Bring the resources of scholarship, technology and research to bear upon the family's interest.

Fifth. Encourage children to stay in the household after they have grown up.

Sixth. Run a family farm, store, factory, business or other wealth-producing establishment.

Organize families of from twenty to two hundreds persons according to this plan and you'll find that your sexual problems will lend themselves to resolution along with a lot of other problems. Specifically, you con solve that parent of lesser problems, the economic problem.

In a revitalized family such as that which I describe, power and authority to deal with sexual questions will be vested where they ought to be vested, in the family, in a family competent to act on those questions.